Senescence Reports in Plant Insights

Finish the potato growing season strong

Towards the end of the season, plants might suffer from stress-induced and age-related senescence. Non-uniform senescence throughout the field is very hard to quantify with the naked eye. This is when the Plant Insights senescence report comes in handy. 

The first senescence reports (available shortly after your plants have canopied) will highlight locations showing early aging. Whether it is caused by soil- or seed-borne disease or induced by crop injury, early aging areas might result in yield reduction during digging season. 

The Navigate to location button (found below field images at the bottom of the screen in the mobile app) will direct you to the exact point where the image was taken, so you can go directly to the specific location where issues were detected. 

Later in the season, use the weekly field-level senescence information to better schedule desiccation applications for each field, and prioritize which fields should be harvested first. 

Plant Insights senescence reports will also be available to you even after harvest so you can leverage this information to better plan your off-season practices and next year's management.